Hello everyone!
I started this blog about a year ago, before I went to Ethiopia, as a way to update on my life and ministry there. However, unfortunately I was unable to update at all while in Ethiopia, because this website was blocked.
A quick review! I finished up my time in Ethiopia in the end of May, made a stop in Norway for some debriefing and other work, and came back to WA in mid-June. I was so glad to see many friends and my church family while in Seattle this past Summer! I also had a great time and vacation with my family! And alas! Now I have come back to Norway!
In case you don't know why I'm here or what I'm doing, let me explain a bit. As some of you may know, in the Fall of 2006 I went to Norway for Discipleship Training School with YWAM (Youth With A Mission). During that time I received teaching and training on subjects like mission, evangelism, prayer, God's character, the Bible, teamwork, etc. I also got to put into practice what I learned (along with the other students of the school) in practical ways, through week-long community outreach trips within Norway. Later on I was able to go on a two-week mission trip to Latvia, and later a two-month mission trip to Thailand. I'm explaining all of this because it relates to what I am now doing in Norway!
For the next two years I'll be working with YWAM in Skien, Norway as a staffperson for the DTS (Discipleship Training School). Basically, I will be a staffperson in the school where I was previously a student! If you have any questions at all about what I'm actually doing here, go ahead and e-mail me at mcheck88@gmail.com and hopefully I can make things more clear! =)
Okay, now that all of that boring mumbo jumbo is out of the way, I can get on with it. hehe. =)
So I arrived in Norway last Monday night (Aug. 4th). Thank you for all who prayed for safe travel for me! I sat next to some very pleasant people on my LOOONG flights, and I didn't have any trouble on my layover! So that's great! Also, I haven't really experienced noteworthy jet-lag this past week! That's also great!
This past week has been pretty busy, but fun! I've been getting to know the other people I'll be on staff with. And then from Wednesday to Sunday we all went to a conference called the GoFest. All of the YWAM Norway workers attended, as well as many other people outside of YWAM. There were lots of great speakers and seminars and worship, prayer, and fellowship times. The focus of the conference was, well, to GO. To GO out into missions! It was touching and also motivating to be there with all these Christian Norwegians and see their great passion and drive to reach out to the world with the love and truth of Jesus Christ! I can really see how God has blessed these people to be a blessing to others!
But my heart is breaking for the rest of Norway. The total population of Norway is less than 5 million. And that's less than the population of Washington State alone. But think about what influence for Jesus the nation of Norway could have if they, unified as a nation, went back to their Christian roots. I think of Norway as a city on a hill, and I feel that it has insanely great potential to have the role of a significant "sending out place". And that's actually one of the main purposes of the DTS (Discipleship Training School) -- to equip and send out young people into missions!
Anywho. The DTS itself does not begin until mid-September. But we as staff are now making many, many preparations for the whole year to start! I'm so excited! But I'll continue to write updates here. I'd love to hear back from any of you... keep me updated on your lives too! =)
I'll be sending out newsletter updates every couple months... so if you didn't get them last year and you'd like to get them this year, you can just e-mail me at
mcheck88@gmail.com with your address. You can also get them in email if you want.
By the way, I'm thinking the rest of this blog is probably going to be quite informal, just so you know =)
I haven't taken any pictures yet this past week in Norway, so I'll randomly end with a few pictures taken this Summer of me and my beautiful brothers. Thank you so much for the prayers!!!!!!